The Guess the <i>Fesses</i>&#153 Quiz

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Welcome to our Guess the <i>Fesses</i>&#153; quiz!<br><br><b>No knowledge of Paris, art, or sculpture is necessary to take the quiz&#8212;so relax and enjoy!</b> If you do not know the answer, simply guess. That’s right…<u>guess</u> the <i>fesses</i>™!<br><br> You will be presented with a series of ten photographs of <i>fesses</i> (buttocks) that are on display on sculptures around Paris.<br><br> Under each photograph is a question about that particular sculpture. Questions may be multiple choice, true/false, or multiple response. For multiple choice and true/false questions, choose only one response. For multiple response questions, choose two answers that you think are correct.<br><br> After you answer a question, click on the "next" button to see whether your response is correct or not. Then, click on the "next" button again to proceed to the next photograph.<br><br> At the end of the exercise, take our FREE virtual tour of Paris to learn about the sculptures featured in the quiz. Good luck and have fun!

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